A very positive balance of trade for the holding of Montefalco (Perugia), a wine cellar of wine tourism excellence and amongst the leaders of the Sagrantino wine.
Recognition and awards given in all the latest wine guides of Gambero Rosso, Ais, Slow Wine, Espresso, VIN, Flos Olei, … continues

Slow Wine

A snail and a bottle to a wine cellar with wines of importance that interpret the
environmental values, identity, territory and sensory. A recognition given in the
new Slow Wine Guide, which awards the seal of Antonelli San Marco Montefalco
(Perugia), Filippo Antonelli. In all, only 160 Italian wine producers have been awarded
in this first edition. The “snails” are the symbols assigned to those wineries
interpreting the following values: sensory, territorial, environmental and identity, in
keeping with the spirit of Slow Food. The “bottle” symbols instead indicate the
presence of important wines. Antonelli is the only winery in Umbria to be recognized
with both values.

Sagrantino cru Chiusa di Pannone: 5 Grape bunches e 2 red glasses

The cru Sagrantino di Montefalco DOCG Antonelli San Marco is the “Chiusa di
Pannone”, made with grapes from the Pannone enclosed vineyard, of about 2.70 hectares,
on a hill well exposed and ventilated of 400 meters high. The year 2005 has been awarded the
Italian Sommelier Association with 5 grape bunches from the Ais guide, winning
also 2 Red Glasses from the Gambero Rosso wine guide.

Another label of Antonelli is featured in the “Low Cost of Drinking Well” by
Gambero Rosso guide, on wines under 8 euro / bottle: it’s the Baiocco Umbria Rosso
2008. An interesting recognition that certifies a policy-oriented quality
towards all the types of wine from the Antonelli winery, as well as for its
labels basis.

Awards have also been given by the Espresso 2011 guide, known for its excellence in Italian wine
and curated by the critic Ian D’Agata. The Espresso Guide has awarded the
Montefalco Rosso Riserva 2007, putting it at the top of its class of Montefalco
Doc. of D’Agata, however, Antonell’s Sagrantino di Montefalco Passito of 2007
is among the 100 best wines of the country. This is the response for the 2011 edition of
VIN: “Antonelli is the best producer of Montefalco, of elegant and balanced wine, and
never exaggerated. This year we award the sweet wine (passito) (2006 vintage, rating 90/100), which
we liked other times in the past. Perfect with all chocolate sauces.”

Finally, the guide for the best extra virgin olive oils “Flos Olei 2011” edited by Mark
Oreggia, assigned a score of 91/100 Bio (organic) Oil produced by Antonelli.