On the beautiful terrace of old villa we propose a dinner with selected ingredients from the small producers of the area, paired with our wines.
We’ll wait for stars to fall, with the help of astronomers.
– Tuesday 10th August 2021 –
7:30pm / 19:00
€ 38,00
Limited seats, reservation is needed.
Trebium Spoleto doc Trebbiano Spoletino 2020 Bio
Budino di latte di capra della fattoria
Calcabrina al limone e mentuccia
First course
Montefalco doc Rosso 2018 Bio
Strangozzi di grano Nazareno con pesto di pistacchi, pomodorini e briciole di pane alla maggiorana
Second course
Contrario Umbria igt Rosso 2017 Bio
Polletto in casseruola con mandorle e zafferano
Insalata di patate e zucchine
Montefalco Sagrantino Passito docg Bio 2015
Mousse al cioccolato
Grappa di Sagrantino
Reservation needed, by phone call to Wendy Aulsebrook 338 7207870 or by writing her at  wendy@antonellisanmarco.it